Thursday, December 29, 2005

6 & 7 Month Miscellaneous Pictures

Daddy misread my signals. He thought I was hungry when actually I was just tired.

Gigi bought me this outfit when I went to visit her, so I wanted to show it off to everyone.

I'm working on sitting up. I still wobble and fall, but I'm getting there.

I'm stylin in Daddy's hat. It's a little too big though.

It keeps falling forward on me and I can't see anything.

I just need to hold it up.

Maybe if I wear it backwards, then I'll be able to see.

That's much better!

I think that I like playing with it more than wearing it.

Mommy dressed me up in my Clemson pajamas for the Champs Sports bowl. Her tigers won. The pajamas worked. They are so bright that I thought that I was going to glow in the dark. And check out the tiger she bought me for Christmas. He's almost as big as I am!

Check out my new Air Jordans that Uncle T gave me for Christmas!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Day 2005

Wow - a toolbench! Just what I always wanted.

I have another hammer now too!

Aunt Lori gave me this. It spins the balls around and makes lots of noise.

I like the taste of the paper.

Ooh - look! There's another present for me over there! More paper!

And the best part, is that there are more tags!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Eve 2005

I like it when Daddy throws me in the air.

Grandpa Lintzenich picked out this onesie for me.

I like Wisky. He's my size.

Grandma & Grandpa Carlson got me a rocking horse for Christmas. But I think that I see something that I like better.

Hey Mommy & Daddy, Grandma & Grandpa got me a tag!

I wonder what it says.

Actually, who cares what it says. I wonder how it tastes.

Pretty yummy if you ask me.

I see something else that looks kinda cool.

Maybe if I don't look at them, they won't notice that I'm eating the handles.

This is just the right size for me to suck on.

Look Mommy - I think that I have it all in my mouth!

Uncle Sean got me a hammer so I can help Daddy fix things.